Pronunciation Guide – The Name Meaning
The following table is an easy to use pronunciation guide for the names listed in our website We only use characters as pronunciation symbols and examples to understand the difference in pronunciation sounds. Use the following pronunciation guide for names to find the correct pronunciation for the baby name that interest you and understand how it sounds.
Tip: Please note that in different countries the same name may have a different spelling and pronunciation.
Sound: | Example: |
a | mad, gag |
A | day, fade, date |
AH | father, cart, not |
AI | – see I- |
AW | lawn, caught, cawed, caller |
AY | able, great |
B | book, baby |
CH | chew, change |
D | dig, did, adder |
E | bless, get (also EH), bet, bed, peck |
EE | meet, elite, beat, evenly, easy |
F | fun, fifty, cuff |
G | go, gap, go, big, gift |
H | hello, hat, ahead |
I | like, lie (also EYE), site, side, buy, tripe |
IH | sin, limp, tip, active |
J | jelly, job, gem, edge, join |
K | call, can, kin, cook, ache |
KH | -a guttural K sound, as in the Scottish “loch”, book |
L | land, lily, pool |
M | mend, murmur, dim, nymph |
N | no, own |
NG | Sing, ming, thing |
O | go, know (also OH), bone, know |
OI | boy, toy (also OY), coin, destroy |
OO | tool, room, (also “u”) |
OW | about, now |
P | pour, pepper, lip |
R | rent, red, car |
S | send, source, less |
SH | show, shy, mission, machine |
T | ten, tie, attack, late |
TH | thimble, thin, ether |
U | pull, wood, book |
UH | jump, but |
V | value, vivid, invite |
W | will, we, away |
WH | when, while |
Y | you, yard, young |
Z | zing, zone, raise |
ZH | beige, vision, azure |
Please note that no system of indicating pronunciation is self-explanatory.