What does the name Randa mean?
The different meanings of the name Randa are:- Latin meaning: She who must be admired
- Arabic meaning: Sweet smelling desert tree
The first thing you should know if you are considering Randa for your baby's name is that in most countries all over the world the name Randa is a girl name.
The name Randa is of Arabic, Latin origins, which means it has more than one root, and is used in more than one countries and different languages of the world, especially Arabic speaking countries, English speaking countries among others.
If you consider naming your baby Randa we recommend you take note of the special meaning and history of the name as your baby’s name will play a big role in its life and your baby will hear it spoken every day. Searching for a name is a very important and fun process as it’s the very first gift you will give to your baby. Many people believe that the name can affect success in life, through their children's working career and other circumstances, so they choose more “respectable” names or name meanings as they believe that the name meaning reflects the personality of the child.
The meaning of Randa has more than one different etymologies. It has same or different meanings in other countries and languages. The different meanings of the name Randa are:
The name Randa is in the following categories: Arabic Names, Muslim Names, Nicknames or Pet Names. (If you would like to suggest one or more categories for the name, click here). We have plenty of different baby name categories to search for special meanings plus popular and unique names, search our database before choosing but also note that baby name categories designed to help you and not to be an influential factor when choosing a name. Instead, we recommend that you pay a greater attention to the origin and meaning of the name Randa. Read our baby name articles for useful tips regarding baby names and naming your baby. If you are thinking of giving your baby the beautiful name Randa, spread the love and share this with your friends.
This name is not popular in the US, according to Social Security Administration, as there are no popularity data for the name. This doesn't mean that the name Randa is not popular in other countries all over the world. The name might be popular in other countries, in different languages, or even in a different alphabet, as we use the characters from the Latin alphabet to display the data. A derivative of the name might also be popular in US. Try searching for a variation of the name Randa to find popularity data and rankings.
Note: If a name has less than 5 occurrences in a year, the SSA excludes it from the provided popularity data to protect privacy.
Note: The data above is from the Social Security Administrator of United States, (more info here) from Social Security card applications for births in US for every name, from 1880 up to the present year. The gender associated with the name might be incorrect, as the data presents the record applications without being edited for errors. The name's popularity and ranking is announced annually, so the data for this year will not be available until next year. The more babies that are given a name, the higher popularity ranking the name receives. For names with the same popularity, the tie is solved by assigning popularity rank in alphabetical order. This means that if two or more names have the same popularity their rankings may differ significantly, as they are set in alphabetical order. If a name has less than five occurrences, the SSA excludes it from the provided data to protect privacy.
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September 14, 2021 @ 4:35 am
My name is Randa too 😊from Lebanon 🇱🇧
April 29, 2021 @ 10:05 pm
Oh my goodness! My name is Randa and I am sooo excited to meet people with my name! I love my name as well! Nice to meet all of you! Oh I’m from California
August 3, 2020 @ 5:19 pm
Hi all you special women. The Randa club, I like It!!!
March 17, 2020 @ 5:32 am
Hello! My name is Randa too ,gosh I love my name!but I thought I’m the only one in Ireland named randa it’s really unique!😀🇮🇪🇮🇪😏😏🥑❤️❤️
August 3, 2020 @ 5:11 pm
Count me in###
August 31, 2019 @ 5:49 am
My name is not Randa…. what am I doing on this page?…. At 4 in the morning?…
March 17, 2020 @ 5:33 am
August 3, 2020 @ 5:12 pm
Apparently a child in you family needs our name, lol
November 3, 2017 @ 2:02 am
Hey… Am from Ethiopia and my name is Randa. Happy to see you Rand’s 😉 ??
October 3, 2017 @ 1:32 pm
My name is ❤Randa❤ and i Love,Adore my name it’s unique and give me the feeling that am unique Am from Algeria love my country also, i met only one other Randa on Facebook but didn’t met one face to face i love myself and i love everyone keep safe.
Wishes for good life?
August 3, 2020 @ 5:04 pm
I too am Randa, I also luv my name. I did not like it when I was lit’l but grew to Luv it. We are very unique individuals for sure. I also have a twin sister named Andra. Randa and Andra, we are not identical. I welcome all of you to my club, 😂 I always felt I was the only Randa in the world. I actually had a cabbage patch doll named after us. I am a very honest person, very versitle & a woman of strong faith. I get along with most people. Glad you all are in my club.
December 13, 2016 @ 12:13 pm
there is other people named randa too ? omg lol awesome this name is like rare really unique and rare.
August 3, 2020 @ 5:06 pm
And a Company name Randa Accesories who sells men’s accessories. There is another in India I believe who sell handbags.
October 28, 2016 @ 9:59 pm
Hi! My name is Randa…pronounced like panda! I live in Texas. I very much love my name, and get very annoyed when people think my name is pronounced “Ronda”. I have personally known 2 other Randas. One, was sort of freaky. I am a retired nurse. I did, at one time, what was called Agency Nursing. There was such a shortage of nurses, agencies were used by hospitals to hire, what I can best describe as “traveling nurses”. I did exactly that for a few years, early in my career. One assignment took me to a small town in East Texas. There, I met ANOTHER nurse, also named RANDA! We were not related in any way, other than both being nurses.
The second Randa…a friend of mine had a daughter who liked my name so well, the daughter named HER daughter, Randa. The second Randa is my friend’s granddaughter!
My self, am very PROUDLY named after my father, Randell. My parents dropped the “ell”, added the “a”..and well, here I am.
August 3, 2020 @ 5:09 pm
Yup, my Mom was having twin boys Randy & Andy. Surprise, girls so she rearranged the letters and came up with Randa & Andra. She made it up, who knew, lol
March 12, 2024 @ 9:42 am
I am right around the east Texas area and have only met 1 other ACTUAL Randa besides myself and I usually get “picked on” by Randy, Randal, Rhonda, Miranda, etc. but I love my name. I was named after my dad so that is interesting.
March 4, 2016 @ 7:17 am
Randa is a big Royal family name in toraja, Indonesia.
August 3, 2020 @ 5:15 pm
I like Royal but can’t say I live Royal.
December 2, 2015 @ 2:07 am
Hello my name is Randa ?
really it is haha and honestly I love my name I’m form the us Pennsylvania actually and I don’t know anyone w the same name as myself upside it’s diff you don’t hear it and it’s pretty down side you will never get away with anything haha Def name your baby girl randa
March 4, 2016 @ 7:19 am
We have thousands of “Randa” here ini toraja. And that name indicates that they’re from Royal family 😉
August 3, 2020 @ 5:16 pm
I like Royal but can’t say I live Royal.
March 4, 2016 @ 1:00 pm
I’m not alone! *hugs* I’m from Canada, aperently my mom read the name in a book when she was young and that’s how I got my name :3
Even here you don’t hear our name, but I love it as well, makes me feel unique! I get complements on it regularly.
August 3, 2020 @ 5:17 pm
Where in Pennsylvania? I Luv PA. I am in Indiana