Top 20 Old English Girl Names – The Best Old English names for girls

The Top 20 Old English girl names list is here to inspire you and give you some choices if you are a new parent or you’re expecting a baby soon. Old English names for baby girls are undoubtedly the best names for our next generation of children. If you are one of the countless parents who are having a hard time choosing the right name for their baby girl then try using an Old English name for her. In this article you will find the top 20 old English girl names and other beautiful names for girl.

Old English baby girl names are the best option for parents who are looking for names which have a deep meaning and are related to class, royalty, beauty and other qualities. There are even many celebrities who have Old English names or Old British names, yet many other celebrities choose Old English names for their children. Name your baby girl with one of the top twenty Old English girl names that have Old English origin and Old British origin, read the full Old English Name list below.

Top 20 Old English Girl Names
Find the top old english names for baby girls

Old English girl names

Here are the first ten Old English girl names:

1. Beverly, pronounced as bev-er-lee is of old English origin that has a meaning of “beaver meadow or stream”. It was originally used as an English surname but nowadays it is extensively used as a unisex name, used both for boy’s names and girl’s names. It is also a place name, like the famous Beverly Hills.

2. Addie is a baby girl’s name that means “noble; son of Adam”. The name can also be used a boy’s name and has an Old English origin. It’s also a short name for Addison or Adelaide.

3. Astrid that is pronounced simply as “as-trid” has a meaning of “beautiful goddess”. The “as” means “god” and the “fridr” from which “trid” is derived means “beautiful and fair.” You probably remember the name Astrid as one of the characters in the movie How To Train Your Dragon.

4. Bathilda, means “woman warrior”. Saint Bathild became the queen of Franks in the seventh century from being a young English girl.

5. Elvina, from an Old English origin, means “magical being a friend” or an “elf” from which it got its derivation. It’s the feminine version of Elvin.

6. Ida is another girl’s name that is pronounced as “eye-dah”. It originally means “hardworking” and came from an Old English expression of “happy” and “prosperous”.

7. Kendra, pronounced as “ken-drah”, is another girl’s name that has a meaning related to being “greatest champion” and inspired from the Old English meaning a “bold power” or “royal power”.

8. Wilfreda is a unique girl’s name that means “desiring peace”, “longing for peace”, or “wanting peace”. It’s the feminine form of Wilfred, an Old English boy name of the same origin.

9. Reed is an adorable girl’s name that is of Old English Origin that means “A Reed” or “red-haired”, yet another Old English name used also for boys as it is a unisex name.

10. Sidney is a beautiful name for any baby girl; it means “Wide Island” and comes from the Old English origin.

Celebrity Old English NamesOld English Names For Girls

Celebrity Old English girl names

Here are ten Old English girl names that are used by celebrities worldwide.

1. Alice is probably one of the most famous girl names from the Old English having been used in Lewis Carroll’s “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” and “Through the Looking Glass”. Famous celebrities include Alice Cooper, Ally Sheedy, Ali McGraw, Alicia Silverstone, and famous singer Alicia Keys.

2. Jennifer is also an Old English name that means “fair and smooth”. It is also related to another meaning; “white waves”. Famous celebrities include the Hunger Games star Jennifer Lawrence. Other icons include Jennifer Lopez, Jennifer Garner, and Jennifer Aniston.

3. Dixie, simply pronounced as “dik-see” means “Strong power; hardy power” and refers to Old South, a region in the US. Celebrity Dixie Carter for example.

4. Dawn, from the word itself means “first appearance of light” or “daybreak” which usually signifies “hope” and “new beginning”. It’s one the most beautiful Old English names because of its meaning. Famous people include opera singer Dawn Upshaw.

5. Marilyn, from Old English, is an iconic name that means “star of the sea”. Probably, the most popular person bearing that name Is Marilyn Monroe. Also famous rock artist is using a name Marilyn Manson as his stage name.

6. Catherine is another recommended Old English baby girl’s name that literally means “pure”. It is also linked to the Greek goddess of magic. Examples are actresses Catherine Oxenberg well known for her role in a famous series from the 80’s Dynasty. Catherine Deneuve very famous French actress. This name is particularly interesting as it is very popular around the world.

7. Julia is a nice name from Old English that means “youthful”. Famous people with this name are Julia Migenes, Julia Ormond, and more.

8. Marian is also another Old English name that is somewhat related to Marilyn for it also means “star of the sea” but also has other meaning as “grace”. Examples are singer Marian Anderson, and Marian Rivera. It is also used as a boy name.

9. Whitney means “White Island” and is used by the famous Whitney Houston.

10. Oprah is Hebrew and means “fawn”. Talk show celebrity Oprah Winfrey is an example.

Popular Old English Baby Girl Names

Most popular Old English girl names

The most popular Old English names for girls also include:

Olivia – Famous bearers are Olivia Newton John, actress very well known for her great role in Grease and Olivia Wilde, actress, well known for her role in Dr. House.

Charlotte – One of the most famous Charlotte’s is Bronte, a great poet and author.

Chloe – Although her name is written with a K she is the most popular Chloe in the world for being a sister of Kim Kardashian and also as reality TV star.

Amelia – Famous bearer was Amelia Earhart – XX century aviation pioneer who died during her try to flight of the globe in 1937. Her body never was found.

Emily – There are a lot of great actresses whose name is Emily like, Deschannel, Blunt, Stone, Watson and many more.

Mia – There’s only one name of a great actress that’s coming to my mind where you hear it – its Mia Farrow one of the greatest muses of Woody Allen. Time magazine named her in 2008 as the one of the most influential people in the world.


Game Of Thrones Series: Daenerys Targaryen And Khal Drogo Baby. “Emily Clarke, Left, As Daenerys Targaryen. The Series Inspires New Parents To Give Old English Names To Their Babies.
Game of Thrones series: Daenerys Targaryen and Khal Drogo baby. Emilia Clarke, left, as Daenerys Targaryen. The series inspires new parents to give Old English Names to their babies according to survey.

Old English Names are coming back – The Game of Thrones effect

A survey has revealed the fantasy television series “The Game of Thrones “ could be inspiring parents to give their children Old English girl names. According to this, many new parents when searching for a baby name get inspired by the series and are choosing Old English names for their children. Names like Millicent, Elvina and Alfred are becoming popular and Medieval names like Kendra, Winnie, Payton and Audley become a popular name choice, especially in United Kingdom. More and more children in Britain are being given Old English girl names and Old English boy names by their parents – with mothers and fathers get inspired by the hit television series.

Old English Names Becoming Popular

Top Old English Names becoming popular again

Old English Boy NamesOld English Girl Names
ColeKim or Kym

Searching for Old English Girl Names – Conclusion

Whether you are a Game of Thrones fan or not, choosing an Old English girl name mentioned herein is an awesome choice, if you are looking for a safe way to choose English names. Provide your baby girl with a loving name from our list of the best Old English girl names, that has been through history and symbolizes a profound meaning for them to add more value to it. Make sure you love the name you choose for your baby to love it too and don’t forget to choose a name wisely and kindly. Have fun in this journey of name searching!

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